Tower & Toffee Shop sites:
The 1788 Everton Lock-Up Tower remains the heart of Everton’s badge. The old Everton Toffee Shop stood just yards away to the right on the other side of the steps from Netherfield Road South. The ‘If You Know Your History’ event will start here on Browside inside the modern Everton Park.
The Everton Toffee Shop:
A rare photo of the old Everton Toffee Shop during demolition in 1884.
Ancient Everton Village & Queen’s Head:
Everton’s original headquarters, the Queen’s Head Hotel, stood towards the top right of ancient Everton Village, captured here by artist W.G. Herdman. St Domingo’s adopted the name Everton FC here in 1879. The building was demolished in the 1960s.
Incredible View leaving Everton in Park:
Those taking part in the ‘If You Know Your History’ event will take in the greatest view in Liverpool as they exit Everton Park.
St Domingo’s Chapel:
The famous and long demolished 1871 St Domingo’s Chapel that stood on the corner of Breckfield Road North and St Domingo Vale.
Sandon Pub EFC 2nd HQ:
The Sandon pub became Everton’s second official headquarters when the club moved to Anfield.
Four Everton pitches in one image:
The route will pass or take in views of Everton FC’s four historic pitches. Under the modern football car park on Arkles Lane (top) was the original St Domingo’s pitch in Stanley Park. Across Priory Road (top) left was the club’s second pitch before the 1884 move to Anfield. Of course, historic Goodison Park has been our spiritual home since 1892 and this is where our run/walk will end.